What is included in the Process Phase?

This stage helps turn great ideas and is willing to have features into successful products with.



  • Current Product Analysis

    We identify existing problems and their solutions, offering recommendations for effective implementation.

  • SWOT-analysis

    Our SWOT analysis delves deep into competitor analysis, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and key functions of competitors to shape the product's development strategy

  • User Interview (optional)

    For new products, we segment the audience to understand their needs and pain points. For existing products, we focus on user experience and improvement hypotheses

  • Persona Analysis

    We use real user data to form personas, understanding the main needs and challenges faced by your target audience

  • Jobs to be Done

    We analyze the journey of consumers seeking to improve their life situations, grounded in the personas and their pain points

  • Features List

    A comprehensive list of all product functionalities, forming the foundation for future development

  • Implementation Roadmap

    Prioritizing features to maintain focus and optimize team efficiency

  • Informational Architecture

    A hierarchical visual diagram showing the interconnection and functionality of each screen

  • Interaction Patterns

    We adopt and modify widespread UX solutions to solve usability problems, enhancing even small components with unique interaction patterns

  • Planning & Strategy

    Our comprehensive project planning includes timelines, milestones, and key deliverables

  • Design & Prototyping

    We create intuitive UI/UX designs and interactive prototypes for early feedback

  • Development

    Our coding adheres to DRY principles, with an agile methodology for iterative and incremental development

  • Testing & Quality Assurance

    Rigorous unit and integration testing ensure flawless functionality

  • Deployment & Launch

    We handle deployment, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate support for any post-launch issues

  • Optimized Performance & Scalability at Launch

    Beyond mere deployment, we focus on optimizing performance at launch, ensuring your application scales effortlessly to meet user demand and delivers an exceptional user experience from day one

  • Maintenance & Support

    Our commitment includes ongoing support and management of updates and enhancements

  • Proactive System Enhancement

    Our extended support goes beyond routine updates; we proactively analyze system performance, suggesting and implementing enhancements to keep your application at the forefront of technological advancements

  • Final Delivery

    You will receive detailed technical requirements. Our discovery phase connects your business goals with user demands, making cost savings on design and development through reduced need for iterations

  • Strategic Roadmap & Long-Term Planning

    Upon completion, we deliver not just the technical specifications, but also a strategic roadmap. This document guides future development, aligning with your long-term business objectives and preparing you for scalable growth and adaptability

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