Apply Italy - Recruiting Agency


Recruiting and Consulting Services for Italian Educational Institutions

ApplyItaly is a premier recruiting agency specializing in providing a comprehensive suite of consulting services for educational organizations in Italy. As the sole official representative of both public and private universities across Italy, ApplyItaly has been instrumental in enrolling over 5,000 applicants into top Italian universities since its inception in 2011. Annually, more than 500 students leverage their services to navigate the complexities of the enrollment process, achieving remarkable success in their academic pursuits.

Category Website
Client Apply Italy
  • Branding
  • Website Design and Development
  • User Experience Optimization
  • Digital Marketing Solutions


Bytelas delivered an exceptional website that perfectly encapsulates the essence and mission of Apply Italy. The collaboration between our teams was seamless, marked by Bytelas's exceptional professionalism, timely delivery, and open communication.
Farid Abbasov

Farid Abbasov


Business need

Project History

ApplyItaly was founded with the goal of simplifying the university application process for prospective students wishing to study in Italy. Recognizing the challenges faced by international applicants, ApplyItaly aimed to provide a reliable, comprehensive service that guides students through every step of their application, ensuring they have the best chance of success. The need for a digital transformation led them to partner with Bytelas, with the aim of revamping their online presence to improve service accessibility, user experience, and overall brand visibility.

Working process

Primary Brand Assets

In the collaborative journey to redefine ApplyItaly's digital footprint, Bytelas embarked on a meticulous working process that centered around the development and refinement of primary brand assets. This critical phase was geared towards creating a coherent visual identity that resonates with ApplyItaly's ethos, mission, and the prestigious nature of Italian education. The focus was twofold: selecting a color palette that instills trust, excellence, and a welcoming feel, and choosing typography that strikes the perfect balance between professionalism and approachability. This approach ensured that every digital interaction not only captured the essence of ApplyItaly but also significantly enhanced the user experience across all digital platforms.

Brand Colors

Reflecting the prestigious and welcoming nature of Italian education, the color palette was chosen to evoke a sense of trust, excellence, and accessibility.


Typography Solution

The typography was carefully selected to balance professionalism with approachability, making information easy to read and engaging for users across various digital platforms.



Digital Assets

ApplyItaly's digital transformation was centered around creating a user-friendly, informative, and visually appealing online platform. Bytelas focused on developing:

Engaging Visuals and Animations: To capture the essence of studying in Italy and the comprehensive services offered by ApplyItaly.

Iconography: Custom icons were designed to intuitively guide users through the website, enhancing the user experience and reinforcing ApplyItaly's branding across digital touchpoints.

Social Media Integration: A cohesive social media strategy was implemented, aligning with the overall brand identity to increase engagement and reach potential clients effectively.



The collaboration between ApplyItaly and Bytelas resulted in a dynamic and robust online platform that not only elevates ApplyItaly's brand presence but also significantly improves the user experience for students navigating the complexities of studying in Italy. Key achievements include:

  • Enhanced Brand Visibility: The new website and digital marketing strategies have substantially increased ApplyItaly's online presence, attracting more users and potential clients.
  • Improved User Engagement: With a focus on user experience, the website now offers easier navigation, comprehensive information, and interactive elements that have led to increased engagement and longer visit durations.
  • Market Position Strengthening: The revitalized brand and digital assets have solidified ApplyItaly's position as a leader in educational consulting services for Italian universities, contributing to an increase in the number of students using their services annually.

Bytelas have partnered with ApplyItaly on this transformative journey, and we look forward to witnessing their continued success in assisting students to achieve their dreams of studying in Italy.

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